Pascal Giorgi

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Research Activities

My main interest is exact linear algebra algorithms and the underlying arithmetic. One of my primary interests is the analysis of algorithms and the development of the best suited implementations. This includes problems over finite fields such as finding minimal polynomial of matrices and every problem related to, but also problems over the integers like solving systems of linear equations. The development and the maintaining of the "LinBox" library, which is the concretisation of an international joined work around exact linear algebra, remain also two majors objectives in my research.



Articles in journals and refereed conference proceedings

Research reports



  • PhD dissertation (advisor: G. Villard)
    Arithmetic and algorithmic in exact linear algebra for the LinBox library (in french).
    Ecole Normale superieure de Lyon, LIP, Lyon, France, December 2004.
    (PDF, PS)
  • MSc dissertation (advisor: Pr. J.-C. Bajard )
    Study in RNS basis change (in french)
    Universite Montpellier II, LIRMM, Montpellier, France, July 2001.


Projects & Softwares

PhD Students

  • 2008-2011: Thomas Izard on software development for efficient arithmetic in cryptography. Currently R&D engineer at Quarkslab.
  • 2012-2015: Bastien Vialla on sparse linear algebra and homomorphic encryption. Currently R&D engineer in cryptography at Orange Labs
  • 2019-2022: Armelle Perret Du Cray, Algorithm for sparse polynomials: interpolation, arithmetic and identity testing. Currently Postdoc at University of Waterloo (Canada)
  • 2023--2026: Lucas Ottow on fast secure multiparty computations. Work in progress.


Pascal Giorgi

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