
Professor at the University of Montpellier
Member of the BOREAL team common to LIRMM, Inria and INRAE
- Email: mugnier@lirmm.fr
- Tel: (+33)(0) 67 41 85 39
- Postal address: LIRMM-Inria, 860 rue de St Priest, F34095 Montpellier Cedex
- Office: Building 5, Room 03/324
Research Interests: Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning (KR), Logical and Graph-based KR
formalisms, Rule Languages, Ontology-Based Data Access, from
Theory to Applications and back
2010-2022: Head of the GraphIK team
common to LIRMM, Inria and INRAE
In charge of the following modules in the master of computer science, University of Montpellier:
- Théorie des bases de données et connaissances (HAI933I)
- Fondements de l'IA symbolique (HAI710I)
- Traitement sémantique des données (HAI824)
For my students: voir la plate-forme Moodle de l'UM
Brief CV (01/2022, in French)