
I am a CNRS researcher (since October 2023) at LIRMM (Univ. Montpellier). I hold a PhD in computer science from Sorbonne Université obtained in 2020, and prepared into the CEA-Leti ITSEF at Grenoble, supervised by Emmanuel Prouff (then at ANSSI, now at Apple), and Cécile Dumas (CEA - Leti). I have also been a postdoc researcher in the Crypto Group of UCLouvain, under the supervision of Prof. François-Xavier Standaert.
Contact: loic[dot]masure[at]lirmm[dot]fr
Research interest
My research revolves around the study of side-channel analysis against implementations of cryptographic primitives. My PhD work focused on the use of machine learning for profiling side-channel attacks. I am also studying the leakage resilience of masking schemes, in particular in the noisy leakage model.
You can find an updated list of publications on my DBLP page, my Google Scholar profile, or on my HAL profile.
- 2024-Now: Loïc Demange. Implementation of masking on BIKE.
- 2024-2025: Camille Mutschler. Analysis of masking-friendly primitives, case study of Raccoon.
PhD Students
- 2024-2027: Nathan Rousselot (CIFRE with Thales-DIS).
- 2024-2027: Sara Sahraee (Univ. Montpellier): Masking Security Proofs.
Past Interns
- 2024: Nathan Rousselot, hosted in Thales-DIS, Meyreuil.