Boat access with TLV/TVM company
June 12-16, 2017
La Courtade beach - © Hyères Tourisme
Porquerolles Island
Theme and spirit

The huge amount of molecular data available nowadays can help addressing new and essential questions in evolution. Answering these questions require efficient and sound mathematical and computational models and tools. The Mathematical and Computation Evolutionary Biology meetings focus on cutting-edge methodological advances in the domain, along with their foremost applications.

The theme of this year's edition will be "Methods for Integrative Evolutionary Biology: various sources of data, various scales of evolution", which includes the analysis of heterogeneous data (molecular, phenotypic, ecological...), different time scales (from recent times to the origin of life), different spatial scales (from landscape to worldwide range), the combination of phylogenetics and population genetics, multidisciplinary approaches, etc.

Beyond this year’s theme, general concepts, models, methods and algorithms will be presented and discussed, just as in the previous editions of MCEB. As usual, the meeting will bring together researchers originating from various disciplines: mathematics, computer science, phylogenetics, population genetics, epidemiology, ecological modeling ... Keynote speakers will introduce a field of research and discuss their own work in this field (see below). Afternoon will be for short presentations and posters, with plenty of time for discussions. We will stop early every day, thus leaving time for other activities, such as hiking or swimming. The number of attendees will be limited to favor small group interactions.

MCEB2017 is part of the "Mediterranean month in phylogenetics"
Essential information
  • Place : Porquerolles Island, near Hyères, in the South of France. See details on venue tab.
  • Dates : June 12-16, 2017. The first talk will begin on Monday afternoon and the conference will end at about 2pm on Friday.
  • Fee : Around 450€ (Includes accommodation for four nights, meals, coffee breaks, etc.).
Keynote speakers
  • Elizabeth Allman (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Alaska Fairbanks)
    Split scores for phylogenetic trees and applications
  • Guy Baele (Rega Institute / KU Leuven - Evolutionary and Computational Virology Section)
    Computational approaches for analysing partitioned data in pathogen phylodynamics
  • Stéphane Dray (Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive (LBBE), Lyon)
    Environment, traits, space and phylogeny: integrating constraints in the analysis of ecological data tables
  • Barbara Holland (Theoretical Phylogenetics Group, School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Tasmania)
    Desirable properties of models for phylogenetic analysis
  • Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas (Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern)
    A genomic history of Aboriginal Australia
  • Yun Song (Computer Science Division and Department of Statistics, UC Berkeley; Departments of Mathematics and Biology, University of Pennsylvania)
    The major determinants of translation speed and their evolutionary signatures
  • Marc Suchard (David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Departments of Biomathematics, Biostatistics and Human Genetics)
    Phylogenetic factor analysis
Important dates
  • Registration deadline: February 27th 2017March 6th 2017
  • Notification to applicants: March 17th 2017
  • Final list of attendees: April 17th 2017
Organizing Committee
Previous conferences and meetings
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