Workshop on SecURity, REliAbiLity, test, prIvacy, Safety and Trust of Future Devices
May 31 - June 01, 2018 - Bremen (Germany)
Relationship between reliability/testability and security is contradictory:
reliability addresses issues related with malfunctioning of
devices which might naturally happen, while security aims at defeating malicious attempts of altering the normal
behavior of a device.
While techniques from one domain can be applied to the other, requirements of one
domain can be in significant contrast with the second one.
Besides these issues, with the advance of new research directions such as IoT, Wearable Devices, Cyber Physical Systems,
and Autonomous driving, a set of additional properties have to be guaranteed in future devices, including safety, trust and privacy.
Even more than before, requirements of one property can be in significant contrast with another one.
The proposed workshop addresses this problem aiming at bringing together the involved communities to foster fruitful discussions and collaborations among researchers.
We are seeking the submission of short papers discussing the connection and the contradictions of the six topics addressed by the workshop (reliability, test, safety, security, trust, privacy). We accept scientific works, preliminary results, ideas that can generate new insights and that can open a discussion during the workshop.
Perspective authors are invited to submit the title and a short paper (max 2 pages) of the proposed contribution. Accepted papers will be distributed to the workshop attendees.
Download the Call for Contributions→Submission deadline: March 20, 2018
Notification of acceptance: April 6, 2018
Click here to submit your contribution.
Giorgio Di Natale
LIRMM - CNRS / Université Montpellier
161 rue Ada
34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
Francesco Regazzoni
ALaRI - USI, Lugano
Università della Svizzera italiana
Via G. Buffi 13 - 6904 Lugano, Switzerland
SURREALIST'18 will take place at the Swissôtel Bremen in the north of Germany, in conjunction with the 23rd IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS18).
Swissotel Bremen
Hillmannplatz 20,
28195 Bremen
This event is organized as fringe workshop of the 23rd IEEE European Test Symposium, organized in Bremen from May 28 to June 01, 2018