Sebastien Druon

Office 01/068
Building 5
Campus Saint Priest
Univ. Montpellier > LIRMM > Robotics Dpt. > Explore team
I am an associate professor at Montpellier University (France) in the Robotics department of the LIRMM laboratory. As for all the members of the EXPLORE team, my main research activities are about underwater robotics, and more specifically about vision systems in karstic and open water environments. But my research interests also include :
- Vision systems (hardware and software)
- Data fusion and registration
- 3D Reconstruction of environments
- Vision based semantic modeling
S. Druon
Université Montpellier
LIRMM UMR 5506 (CC477)
161 rue Ada
34095 Montpellier Cedex 5