OMSMO Project: Oriented Matroids for Shape Modeling
Preliminary page under construction...
The general research project has been initiated by Emeric Gioan, a specialist of oriented matroid theory.
It is developed at the LIRMM, especially together with Gérard Subsol, a specialist of medical imaging.
Beyond some theoretical/combinatorial questions, the aim of the project is to develop a combinatorial morphometry method.
It consists in encoding 3D landmark-based models with their associated oriented matroid, and in using this combinatorial structure in order to analyse/classify/characterize the structural shapes of the models.
Applications notably concern natural sciences such as medical imaging and biological anthropology.
The first results have been obtained together with Kevin Sol (doctoral student) and using experimental data given by various researchers from the application fields (José Braga, Jacques Treil, Yann Heuzé, Joan Richstmeier).
Various research directions from mathematical/computational/applied viewpoints are in progress with those researchers and others...
Financial support for this project has been given by:
- Current : the ''chercheur d'avenir'' regional project OMSMO (Région Languedoc-Roussillon / FEDER from 2016 to 2019).
- The research team AlGCo (Algorithms Graphs and Combinatorics) of the LIRMM (since 2009)
- The research team ICAR (Image & Interaction) of the LIRMM (since 2010)
- The ANR Grant TEOMATRO (New trends in matroids) ANR-10-BLAN-0207 (from december 2010 to may 2014)
Please see the sum up given here for further information.
However, the main publication is:
Emeric Gioan, Kevin Sol and Gérard Subsol.
A Combinatorial Method for 3D Landmark-based Morphometry: Application to the Study of Coronal Craniosynostosis.
Proceedings MICCAI 2012,
LNCS, 2012, Volume 7512/2012, 533-541.
(Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention)
OMSMO Software
A software is currently developed at the LIRMM by Emeric Gioan and Boris Albar (engineer).
Some preliminary work have consisted in C programs by Kevin Sol that have already been used in the above paper on experimental data, and on a Java visualization applet made by a group of students from University of Montpellier.
It is also supported by LIRMM engineers Joël Maizit and Martine Hornby for the integration into the LIRMM server.
It will allow worldwide researchers to test our mathematical/computational method on their data (asap).
To be completed...