I am an Associate Professor in Computer Graphics at the Université de Montpellier where I joined the
ICAR team of the LIRMM in September 2018.
My research work addresses how to model, interact with and visualize interactively large volume datasets with a particular focus on mesh generation
and processing of segmented 3D images. My work is at the intersection of variety of topics related to computer graphics and visualization
(geometric modeling, Non-Photorealistic Rendering, image processing and stylization...).
I completed my PhD on Modeling, Visualization and Interaction with 3D Volumes using Meshes in 2013 in the Computer Graphics
Group of Telecom ParisTech
under the supervision of Tamy Boubekeur and
Isabelle Bloch.
Open positions
Contact me to discuss internship and PhD options.
Along with
Professor William Puech, I am currently co-head of the
Master's program at Université de Montpellier. I am in charge of the Computer Graphics for Interactive Systems and Games lectures.
- We organized a workshop on the 22nd and 23rd of September 2022 at the LIRMM - Montpellier untitled "Computer science and Robotic's tools for 3D marine underwater environment monitoring and modelling" more.
- On October 1 and 2, 2022, at the Parc des Expositions, Master Imagine students participated in Montpellier Stream Show video game festival, and presented SWING, a game they created.
- 2 & 3 octobre 2021: Imagine students participated to the first edition of the Thau Games Festival in Frontignan (Images).
- Virtual presentation of Imagine students' games: Into the Game
Multi-modal 3D image registration using interactive voxel grid deformation and rendering
Thomas Richard, Yan Chastagnier, Vivien Szabo, Kévin Chalard, Brian Summa, Jean-Marc Thiery, Tamy Boubekeur and Noura Faraj
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2022.
Pose estimation of teeth in pathological dental models
Maxime Chapuis, Mathieu Lafourcade, William Puech, Noura Faraj and Gérard Guillerm
3D Imaging and Applications 2022.
Animating and Adjusting 3D Orthodontic Treatment Objectives
Maxime Chapuis, Mathieu Lafourcade, William Puech, Gérard Guillerm and Noura Faraj
GRAPP - 17th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (SCITEPRESS, 2022).
Adaptive Compositing and Navigation of Variable Resolution Images
Cody Licorish, Noura Faraj and Brian Summa
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2021).
Persistence Atlas for Critical Point Variability in Ensembles
Guillaume Favelier, Noura Faraj, Brian Summa and Julien Tierny
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. of IEEE VIS 2018)
Flexible Live-Wire: Image Segmentation with Floating Anchors
Brian Summa, Noura Faraj, Cody Licorish and Valerio Pascucci
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2018)
A generic framework for the structured abstraction of images
Noura Faraj, Guy-Song Xia, Julie Delon and Yann Gousseau
Expressive 2017
Realistic Film Grain Rendering
Alasdair Newson, Noura Faraj, Bruno Galerne and Julie Delon
Image Processing On Line, 2017
Analysis of a Physically Realistic Film Grain Model, and a Gaussian Film Grain Synthesis Algorithm
Alasdair Newson, Noura Faraj, Bruno Galerne and Julie Delon
Proceedings of SSVM 2017
Multi-Material Adaptive Volume Remesher
Noura Faraj, Jean-marc Thiery and Tamy Boubekeur
Computer & Graphics Journal (Proc. Shape Modeling International, Best Paper Award) 2016
Progressive Medial Axis Filtration
Noura Faraj, Jean-marc Thiery and Tamy Boubekeur
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 - technical Brief 2013
Robust and Scalable Interactive Freeform Modeling of High Definition Medical Images
Noura Faraj, Jean-Marc Thiery, Isabelle Bloch, Nadege Varsier, Joe Wiart and Tamy Boubekeur
MICCAI MeshMed - Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2012
VoxMorph: 3-Scale Freeform Deformation of Large Voxel Grids
Noura Faraj, Jean-marc Thiery and Tamy Boubekeur
Computer & Graphics Journal (Proc. Shape Modeling International) 2012
Parameterizing animated lines for stylized rendering
Bert Buchholz, Tamy Boubekeur, Sylvain Paris, Noura Faraj, Elmar Eisemann
Technical Talk at SIGGRAPH - 2011
Spatio-temporal Analysis for Parameterizing Animated Lines
Bert Buchholz, Noura Faraj, Sylvain Paris, Elmar Eisemann and Tamy Boubekeur
Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering 2011