Chouki Tibermacine

Chouki Tibermacine

From Sept 2024, Full professor at University of Southern Brittany, IRISA (SecReizh team, ex Archware) and IUT de Vannes, France
2007-2024, Associate professor (maître de conférences) at Montpellier University, France
Member of LIRMM research center, MaREL Team
Teaching at Polytech Montpellier, Computer Science Department
Qualification to supervise research (HDR), June 2018
PhD in Computer Science, October 2006
Master of Science in Distributed Systems, September 2003
Master of Engineering (diplôme d'ingénieur) in Computer Systems, July 2001

Mailing Address: LIRMM, 161 rue Ada 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
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Selection of publications: DBLP here.

Please note that only preliminary versions of these publications are downloadable below. Final versions can be obtained from the publishers holding the copyright.