Graphics and HCI curricula and courses over Europe
- Cours IHM, Polytech Nice
{HCI, Augmented/Virtual reality, User Interfaces, Ergonomics, COMPUTER GRAPHICS, IMAGE and VISION}
- ENJMIN - Ecole Nationale du Jeu et des Medias Interactifs Numeriques
- Interdisciplinary Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media - Paul Verschure and Narcís Parés
{HCI, Multimedia, User Interfaces, User-centered design, Interaction styles}
- International Master in Human Language Technology and Interfaces
- IUP GMI - Université d'Avignon
{HCI, User Interfaces, Hypermedia}
- Master Image Information et Hypermedia - R.André.Obrecht
{Augmented/Virtual reality, Viewing algorithms, Geometry and Modeling, Virtual reality, Object recognition}
- Master 2 Recherche Spécialité Art, sciences et technologies, Claude Cadoz, co-habilité UJF - l'UPMF - et l'U. Stendhal
{User Interfaces, COMPUTER GRAPHICS, Divers}
- Master IHM Toulouse
{HCI, User Interfaces, GUI}
- Master in HCI Upsala, Sweeden
- Master Informatique spécialité Multimédia, Université d\'Avignon
{Multimedia, User Interfaces, COMPUTER GRAPHICS}
- Master Internet Technologies Pau - Congduc Pham
{Display algorithms, Interaction techniques, Image processing software}
- Master MI2 - Nigay
{HCI, Multimedia, Augmented/Virtual reality, User Interfaces, CSCW, Hypermedia}
- Master Professionnel Interaction Humain Machine - Benoît MARTIN
{General, Evaluation/methodology, Theory and methods}
- Master recherche, parcours IHM (Univ. Bretagne-Sud & ENST Bretagne)
- Master STIC, Univ Nice
{Multimedia, User Interfaces}
- Máster Tecnologías Informáticas Avanzadas
{Multimedia, User Interfaces, Evaluation/methodology, Interaction styles}
- Master-info, Univ. Le Mans, spécialité CHM
{HCI, User Interfaces, CSCW}
- Media Computing and HCI - Prof. Dr. L. Kobbelt
- MRes in Design and Evaluation of Advanced Interactive Systems
- MSc in HCI with Ergonomics
- MSc in Human Communication and Computing (HCC)
- MSc in Human-Centred Interactive Technologies (HCIT)
- Parcours Interfaces, réalité virtuelle et multimédia, ENST
{HCI, Multimedia, Augmented/Virtual reality, User Interfaces, Hypermedia, COMPUTER GRAPHICS}
- Practical Computer Science: Computer Graphics and Multimedia - Prof. Dr. L. Kobbelt
- Professional Master in Human-Computer Interaction
- The Graduate School for Human-Machine Interaction (HMI)
- Cours IHM post-WIMP de F. Berard
{HCI, Augmented/Virtual reality, Windowing systems, Interaction styles}
- Cours IHM de Jean-Yves Antoine
{User Interfaces, User-centered design, Ergonomics, Evaluation/methodology, Input devices, Interaction styles}
- Cours IHM, Laurence Nigay, Grenoble
{User Interfaces, CSCW}
- Cours IHM, Mountaz Hascoët, Université de Montpellier II, Master Informatique
{User Interfaces, Style guidelines, Windowing systems, Ergonomics, Evaluation/methodology, GUI}
- Cours intro IHM, S. Conversy, ENAC
{HCI, User Interfaces, User-centered design, CSCW}
- Introduction IHM, N. Roussel, Univ.Paris-sud
{User Interfaces, Style guidelines, User-centered design, Windowing systems, Ergonomics, Evaluation/methodology, GUI, Input devices, Interaction styles}
{HCI, User Interfaces, Ergonomics}
- Synthèse d'image, Didier Verna, ENST